Directory Information Services
Service Provider Partners
Telecom Clients
Directory Publishing
DIS Brand Security

We partner with Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) providers, Toll-Free Number Providers & other Telephone Service Provider.  These partners benefit from our Management & Technology Services.  

VOIP Providers

With so many individuals and companies ditching regular land-line service, there has been an explosion in demand for VOIP services.  Many large corporations are moving towards VOIP service to manage the Telecom needs of local offices. Local individuals and businesses also like the idea of bundling services.  DIS can help with the launch of a new brand or assist in data management at an established provider. 

Toll-Free Providers

DIS offers a full service Toll-Free Number platform that includes all of the data needed to perfect everything sales to customer service.  Understanding and utilizing the data assists in efficient staffing and helps achieve the optimum customer experience.  You can put the expertise of DIS to work for you clients. 

DID Providers

Local DID's look just like local phone numbers but they are much more versatile.  We assist current DID providers with phone number creation, hosting and management.  If you don't yet provide local DID's, then contact us today.

IVR Providers

IVR creation, scripting, hosting and management are offered by many companies.  DIS is an expert in this area and our services go above and beyond the industry standard.  If your company already offers IVR's, we can help you to better manage your business.  If you don't offer IVR service, contact us and let us explain how it will add value to your brand.

Local companies are always looking to get a leg-up on the competition or shave a few dollars from the bottom-line.  By partnering with DIS you will be able to offer you local business clients with a competitive advantage that often is cost less than competitive services with less features.  

National companies invest millions of dollars in building brand recognition, web development, online marketing. All too often, false assumptions dictate staffing and marketing decisions. Failure to take advantage of the best available technology causes these brands to miss opportunities.  Telco Data and Data Management are a powerful tool used by large company's to maximize sales, customer service and staffing. Contact a representative to inquire about how to offer these services to your client base.

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