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DIS Brand Security

Brand identity theft is not limited to the internet. With thousands of printed directories, brand protection is a huge challenge. National brand names are often exploited by competitors and small local companies online and in phone directories to acquire customers seeking a product or service. These companies may pose as a branch of a large national brand or use a confusing or similar name to lure customers. To many national brands this is an unknown issue or an issue that seems impossible to solve. The result is profit loss to the company and shareholders. In addition, customers that fall victim to these bogus listings may lose trust in the brand that has been exploited. The DIS Brand Security service pays for itself by plugging the hole of lost profit and opportunity. Identity threats range from savvy techniques to obvious copyright infringement. Creating a DIS Brand Security account is the first step in eliminating abuse of your brand.


There is no immunity for Brand Identity theft. Brand Identity theft steals millions of dollars each year and can be prevented by starting a Brand Security account.  Any company with a recognized brand that is not actively monitoring identity theft threats is likely a victim of Brand Identity theft and losing profits. 


DIS Brand Security has unique access to all published phone book directories and online data tracking.  Our team of experienced investigators equipped with top notch technology enable DIS Brand Security to monitor the use and/or abuse of our clients brand names in real-time.  As directories update or change our staff notifies our clients of any identity threats and recommends solutions to each threat.  DIS Brand Security fees vary depending on the footprint of each client but typically cost less than one or two skilled employees.


There are a handful of companies that attempt to manage identity threats in-house as a part of their internet brand protection.  These companies often miss threats due to the lack of our unique access to all phone directories.  In addition, they spend more to monitor due to the fact they lack the experience and technology to monitor identity threats in real time.  We help our clients stop losses by putting an end to the exploitation of their brand.  Our unique phone book directory access, experience and exclusive technology allows us to offer this important service to our clients at a fraction of the cost of attempting to manage brand security themselves. 

There are three major identity threats that steal profits and customers. 
Parasites are dealers or affiliates that use your brand name in a non-compliant fashion to make commissions. Imposters are savvy competitors that use similar names similar to your brand to trick and steal customers. Thieves are competitors that infringe the copyright of your brand name to steal customers. If your company doesn't monitor it's brand in the directory space, then it's likely that one or more of these threats are damaging your brand.             

Brand Security is important to all companies that have invested millions in developing name recognition.  Starting a DIS Brand Security account is easy and will protect your company;s investment in its brand.  Click on the contact form to start the process of protecting your brand name. 

Dealers and Affiliates that partner with brands are typically expected to offer unique skills or efforts to generate new business. All too often these "partners" act more like parasites that exploit a brand name. If your company objects to these parasite-like activities, DIS Brand Security monitoring can easily idenify and put an end to these tactics. The result will be company millions of dollars saved in dealer and affiliate commissions.

Savvy marketers exploit your brand by using similar names to trick directory operators and customers. They are able to hide because not all directories are published. While they may not be directly violating your trademark. they will continue steal customers and profits if left unchecked.


Brand Identity thieves are a major problem for national brands. These competitors use your brand name to steal customers and profits. This behavior will continue if left unchecked. Allowing this behavior to continue can also lead to consumers losing confidence in your brand.  Partner with DIS Brand Security and put an end to the infringement and lost profits.

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