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The DIS Directory Publishing Department handles advertising for major online and traditional print publications. If a company has a business license or traditional land-line phone, it is often wrongly assumed that businesses are automatically included in the Phone Book. 

The Directory Publishing industry is extremely fragmented. There are dozens of online sites and typically three or more printed phone books delivered to each home. With so many phone book options available to local and national companies, it can be difficult to determine the best way to achieve their phone book advertising objectives. Since consumers use several phone book publications, a multi-pronged approach is recommended for most companies. The DIS Directory Publishing Department provides an easy to use platform for placing phone book advertisements. Our team of advisors are not like your typical pushy sales force. Helping local and national companies, as well as Agencies meet their objectives at a minimum cost is our mission.    


The Phone Directory industry is well over 100 years old and is trusted by consumers. There are several phone book publishers to consider. In addition, the popularity of online and mobile devices have created more advertising opportunities. Customers from the local area and neighboring communities rely on several advertising products to find local companies and service providers. It is recommended that every company has an advertisement published, in its local phone book as well as any city, town or neighborhood in which it provides services.


Managing phone book advertisements can be very challenging. Failure to properly address the advertisements of your company in the phone book will result in less business. There are many false myths about phone books from ads being too expensive to the need to buy large ads. There are many solid ways to represent your business on even the smallest of advertising budgets. Make sure your company is properly presented to fully maximize the trust and profitability of your customer base.    


Publishing Fees vary from location to location. Whether you own a local business that serves a handful of neighborhoods or a nationwide company that needs ads or listings in thousands of phone book, the Directory Publishing Department makes  setting up accurate advertising and listings quick and affordable.  Fill out the contact form to take your Phone Directory Program to the next level.


Phone Book Ads can mean big profits for local companies. There are millions of phone book 
searches in every metro area each year. Customers use the phone book, online yellow pages and mobile applications coast to coast. It is recommended that company's set up a yellow pages advertisement in every suburb, town or neighborhood in which it provides services. Contact the Phone Book Advertising Department to get started.

National companies invest millions of dollars in building brand recognition, web development, online marketing. All too often, false assumptions about the complex nature of Books. Failure to take advantage of the phone book space causes these companies to miss opportunities in the one of the most powerful tools used by customers to find businesses. Contact the Phone Book Department to get started.
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